Sonic Team set out to make the big follow up to the Sonic Adventure games in their first 7th generation Sonic outing. Unfortunately a lack of resources, familiarity with the hardware and software of the time period, and an absolute lack of time to do any quality assurance left us with a broken, if admirable game. Like, during my full playthrough I could see the kind of game that fans of Adventure and Adventure 2 have loved for decades simmering JUST under the surface. Unfortunately for all of us, and for the Blue Blur, it didn't make it up for air.

Overly ambitious in the scope of its story, but underwhelming to actually play. Over the course of my 48 hour playthrough, I found that events happening around my characters were vastly more interesting than the actual things I was tasked with doing. Repetitive dungeon design, messy story structure, and simple combat make for a long, slow burn. Still, it is easy to appreciate what this team of Squaresoft rookies were aiming to accomplish, and its story is pretty interesting if you have plenty of patience.