played on steam, idk why ios is the only option

i love the hell outta this game, nothing more said.

very middle of the road for me, i like the idea of actually being chased by a serial killer in multiple areas but its get old after awhile

eh, its like geometry dash but you most likely suck at it

kids will say its Fortnite 2.

you can't play this game and say you have never gotten into a toxic lobby.

loved the game, wish i was still good at it

i suck at this game but i enjoyed it

what the hell happened.. i started this game with a bug involving following the guy i was supposed to follow, died every time and had to take a different route to pass. i quit the campaign once i kept seeing the infinite enemy bullcrap.

the beginning of this campaign was kinda boring, i took a month off this game because of it. when i came back i was happy to see near the end, the game was improving and had a better experience playing through.

played through the campaign twice, i just enjoy this game because its simple - a world war 2 story through multiple perspectives. the multiplayer is fun too but the gun sounds will blast your eardrums so good luck.

i like it, the servers are dying down which is sad considering i loved playing it

i don't know what happened but i really did not like this game. its pretty much a copy paste of boogeyman 1 with different hiding spots and a new battery charging device.