This game is really quite fantastic. I'm currently about changing my style when it comes to the length of my reviews for the games I really love and feel the "Everyone loves Hades, they are right" wasn't doing the game justice. I think it's often easy to lambast popular content especially if that content because enraptured by an audience you may not love. Hades falls to the dens of the insatiable community of "His hair flip is awakening me" but behind all of that is probably the textbook model answer to the question of: What is a roguelike? and How would I have a story with that kind of game? Hades has left its mark on the industry in many sadly negative ways, but it is as Unreal engine is to the lazy, people who aren't as adept to what makes the game as strong as it is try to take the parts that supplement the core and take it as replacement. I think I brought this up with Potionomics but that may be reductive due to a trend maybe not created but proliferated by Hades, the dating sim supplement, but Hades itself never falls to the problems many of these other games face because there is a solid game there. It's an action RPG isometric semi twin stick hack and shoot rougelike and it is wonderful. I'm not saying never judge a game by its fanbase, just in this one case, maybe try it for yourself if you gave it a pass.

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2022
