Given this is an indie title, I was expecting a short linear title with melancholic visuals and atmosphere; instead, it was a collectathon with a twin-stick shooting mechanics. If content or busywork was a key metric, this would be value for money; however, I felt it was more repetitive and monotonous without much variety and memorability in its tasks where it outstayed its welcome. Progression is blocked until a certain amount is collected incentivizing task clearing before moving on each room since the next checkpoint amount is unknown. As a completionist, this means that I quickly got tired with the gameplay loop since the game does not add more mechanics or depth such as powerups or skills. Not to mention some tasks and puzzle are downright annoying or levels long to traverse. Why there is a level with long flat space without strong traversal is beyond me. Also, I always had too many collectibles to spend for upgrades at any given time so the balance already feels off. I understand this loop was to let players engage in its world and mechanics but it felt artificial as the activities are rarely worth it.

Being a twin-stick shooter aficionado, the execution feels bad with its camera and hurtboxes. Firstly, gauging if a bullet will hit is ambiguous with the isometric camera and tall sprite models. While it may be a skill issue, I have called out several hits that should have not which is my barometer. On the offensive side, the range and damage of the basic fire is just short and weak that I would rather have melee combat instead. Aside from haunting objects, majority of the shooting is plain and uninteresting. Completing the combat trio, the enemies themselves are barely engaging or either annoying specially with how they spawn for unfair damage. The set pieces themselves are okay but was not thrilled and one of them had a bug that kept damaging me after every cycle. If the static tracking camera is kept, having perhaps a lock-on or homing attacks would have at least smoothened out the issues but would still feel underwhelming as a whole.

As for the experience, the story and world is vague that its emotional moments barely land. With its collectathon structure, the player is barely given motivation or intrigue with interconnecting moments hanging by a thread of curiosity. I would like to see the main protagonist be more conflicted with what is going instead of going thru the motions. I do like what it is going for but I feel other games have tackled something similar to greater effect and meaning. Simply having interactive options like a hug or be pet button would have at least made this all more believable as the cutscenes already do that.

Taking it as a whole, I feel this can be a good beginner or entry point game. While not completely devoid of value, I do not recommend this.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
