i never made it through pikmin 2 before in the several attempts i made in the past but even bad pikmin is better than a lot of other games.

it's very much a love it or hate it game in the series, while lots of people like the randomized dungeon additions, i always found them tedious. but i think you have to get over the fact that even best case scenario you're probably going to lose a few pikmin sometimes. that said, you can restart each level of the dungeon and the roll of the dice might make it more favorable this time. or worse.

pikmin 4 is my goty (sorry totk) and once i 100% completed it i still had the pikmin bug so i went back and beat pikmin 3 for the first time then beat pikmin 1 for my fourth time then finally arrived at this one, my most fearsome foe.

and i stuck with it and i gotta still say, "bad" pikmin is still hella fun.

edit: okay i take it all back after getting all the treasures... this game is just straight up tedious. i hate when games think just adding more stuff is the way to make it harder. i mean it does, but in a cheap way. last boss was not fun. mostly glad i'll never touch this game again. i beat every mainline pikmin tho. time to try hey! pikmin.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
