It's not that bad. Honestly wish I played it as a kid, I might have liked it. It might be too odd for kids now, but it's a game that was geared towards being beatable by children. Or American adults. lol

The way it combines Final Fantasy Adventure (Mana 1) with simpler JRPG battles is kinda cool. It's like if Final Fantasy had more Zelda elements. But there's more to it that makes it its own thing and not overly comparable to any other game. It has a lot of charm, almost like a platformer from the time.

The only problem here is calling it a Final Fantasy, it's really not, but then I guess no one would have played it.

Reviewed on Mar 21, 2024


2 months ago

This is apparently the first FF europe ever got and it was called mystic quest legend (mana 1/ff adventure was already called mystic quest there too)
Pre ff7 international releases are really funny

2 months ago

@KingGarb this being europe's first ff is incredibly sad

2 months ago

If it makes you feel better they got ff7 4 years later. Insane how this and ffx are only 9 years apart.

2 months ago

@KingGarb im still in awe that ff6 only took a year to develop. but also ff7 1997, ff8 1999, ff9 2000, ffx 2001... different times but im sure there was insane crunch too

2 months ago

Well the texture source code for x got lost forever somehow so we have the hd version with uglier characters and gorgeous backgrounds. 8 and 9 were developed by totally different teams iirc and x was probably starting development as soon as sony gave square the heads up on the console. Ps2 x still looks better than ps2 xii LOL! The yearly releases were totally insane tho i think if i was an old man i would probably have thought wed be on ff34 by now at the time