Moves and plays well. Looks pretty good. Enjoyed the combat and bosses.

But sitting there looking at my map for two minutes trying to plot my route to a door ten feet above me because there's a little tunnel in front of me that's six inches too small to fit through, and then checking my map every step of the way to make sure I haven't veered off course, is not fun. I don't know if this is a required part of the metroidvania genre and you all are just wild for it somehow or if I'm seriously directionally challenged but yeesh

Enjoyed it for a few hours and then hit a series of "where the fuck am I even supposed to go" moments and looking-at-your-map simulator sucks. Put it down for a while and at this point not even a walkthrough would save me because I have no idea what's going on or where I am - would have to start over and I'm not sure I'm willing to do that.

EMMIs are just annoying.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2023
