Maybe it's just me, but I could not enjoy this game. The first 2 portions of the game could be cut out, and I think my enjoyment of the game would improve a ton. I think the fourth wall breaks work well, but the puzzle solving is just okay to making me want to rip my hair out. Therefore, the game itself just feels either boring just walking around the world, or annoying to complete the puzzles. I thought the entire game near the end had overall better pacing, and was a lot better story-wise, but since I was so close to putting the game down (if not for people encouraging me to play through all the way), I could have straight up not seen the last section and missed out on that. So, with the mediocre to bad puzzles and the poor story for 2/3 the game, I think Oneshot fell short of what I thought it was going to be.

(Copied from GG)

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
