It's a beautifully made game with interesting and memorable characters, and most importantly, it's fun. I'm not a competitive player, so I can't get into those technical details, but I CAN say that it's a fun game to play by yourself and with your friends, which is the most I look for in a fighting game. Highly recommend.

it's not good, but it's fun.
a game that requires a guide open at all times for any level of completion is just objectively bad game design.
it's still enjoyable.

it's good.
people complain about it's "lack of action". it's slow sometimes, true, but i think that lends to it. it's not boring to me, it could be boring if you don't like games that have.. even a little downtime.

very strong start, gets a bit tedious in the middle, but comes back around strong in the end. beautiful game.

It's a great game; the plot and mystery is one of the best ones RGG has ever made, and the combat flows in a way that's endlessly enjoyable, both to play and to watch.
I have minimal gripes with this game. Compared to past RGG games, the minigames available feel somewhat lacking, especially if you're like me and don't especially enjoy the gambling or arcade options. I understand that karaoke wouldn't have been an option because of contract issues, but it would've been nice to see the return of other past RGG minigames like bowling or fishing.
The lack of minigames isn't a huge thing, though- the amount of minigames available may be small compared to other RGG titles, but by no means does that make the game lacking in content. There's always something for you to do, be it a minigame, side quest, or the main story.
Overall, a really great game that I highly recommend. I can't wait to finish the sequel.

As a longtime fan of the first game, I had high expectations for its sequel, and, I will admit, a lot of apprehension. NEO had large shoes to fill, but it manages to be everything I would hope for from a TWEWY sequel. It's fun, it's stylish, it's over-the-top. A great game for fans of the first one and on its own merit, but I do recommend playing TWEWY first. You won't be completely lost if you don't, but there is important context you'll miss out on- not to mention an entire amazing game.