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now here's a fun and very affordable little online fps game, exactly when i needed such a thing in my life (summer break). this one strongly reminds me of rounds from a few years back and i enjoyed both for similar reasons - they're very low commitment, easy to understand, and come with good mechanics for their power-ups. here, you're dropped into a map with a handful of cards which offer various buffs, debuffs, and tools which you can leverage for an advantage in brief 1v1 or 2v2 skirmishes. as you progress and level up (which admittedly is slow thus far), you collect new cards and begin to understand what types of movement, area control, and characters you prefer and what specific strategies you find effective while building your deck. power-ups include stuff like inflating your enemies head, bullet time, generally pretty typical but effectively used stuff. most successful online shooters like this have somewhat similar setups - tf2 lets you learn different heroes and item loadouts, overwatch does something similar too, they're all hero based i guess - but putting it together with the deckbuilding now common in a lot of indie games was a pretty novel move (aside from neon white lol) and fun to play. it's worth mentioning that the game's a bit janky thus far and lacking in some very basic features (round timers, more modes than just death match) but it just came out so give em some time and see where it goes. definitely recommended if you have friends on discord that you like chilling with