This is the only pokemon game which I have both abandoned before completion and traded in for a refund. Which is wild because I have a copy of pretty much every game from every generation, INCLUDING the spin offs, with the exeption of R/S/E, which I haven't hunted down a copy of yet.

Reviewed on Mar 28, 2024


1 month ago

shining pearls (small poopies)

1 month ago

I find it extremely funny that they decided, of all of the games they decided that people would want to play without remake additions, they land on Diamond and Pearl

1 month ago

This comment was deleted

1 month ago

@_YALP based

30 days ago

@Lapbunny no fr no idea how they fucked that up after the backlash against ORAS for not including Emerald content

if you got pinged for twice on this review, i definitely didn't read your comment incorrectly and reply based on that misinterpretation or anything hhahahah what the fuck are you talking about

29 days ago

whoops lmao I can see the confusion. yeah TPC / Game Freak / ILCA are a bunch of dorks