5 reviews liked by fronkus

A relatively pleasant time killer. While you are stuck in traffic jams, you can create them in this game, I caught the message of this game. It can captivate you for a couple of short gaming sessions, but the mechanics are too monotonous. Various maps give pseudo-choice and do not affect anything, there are quite few opportunities for progress in the game (highways, traffic lights, bridges) and this is not enough.

Far better than Splatoon 2's base campaign with a more identifiable style, a welcome increase in challenge, and hugely enjoyable character and lore writing. It couldn't have been the base game's campaign due to its length, but I would have been more than happy if it was, honestly. This is how you do an expansion right.

There's some good ideas here, platformer levels with unlockable power-ups that let you return to them and find new paths, kinda metroidvania style? Good idea!

Too bad this plays like garbage, is plagued with terrible design choices, and I would rather swallow one of my joy-cons than replay any of the levels.

i think this is a perfect video game. sweet, fun, and beautiful. just enough little things to do and enough challenge for making it up the tricky trail.

wonderful characters and writing, cute things to collect, and fun satisfying gliding and climbing mechanics all topped off with an adorable and well realized DS/PSX style. this game is exactly what is says on the box and it is a wonderful experience:)

One of the best short cute games. Finished it in a day, only wish it was longer!