This game was phenomenal from start to finish and I loved everything about it. Such fun combat met with some of the best boss fights EVER and amazing visuals to back it up. The soundtrack is awesome, always playing the right track at the right moment and hearing Kenshi Yonezu at the end was peak I tell ya.

The ending hit so much harder after doing all the side quests, they take the character writing, storytelling and world building to the next level so definitely don't sleep on those because there are gems in there!

Absolutely kino, that is all.

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023


5 months ago

Have you ever tried FFXIV? It is an MMO, but YoshiP directs both it and XVI. It may not be for everyone, but the experience is far more Final Fantasy than MMO.

5 months ago

@TheDeceiver Nope I haven't yet, I've only played this and FF7R so far but this year I do wanna get into more FF titles. I really have to check out FFXIV at some point though since I've only heard good things about it

5 months ago

It is a blast! Plus the base game and two whole expansions are free. There are some restrictions on free accounts, although, you will know pretty quickly if it is for you lol

I am with you on trying more FF - I have only dabbled in a few of the mainline titles and a couple of spin-offs. Hope to beat IX this year