first looks are really good, the main selling point of this game seems to be the cats.

trailers and stuff made this game look really fun, a linear story game that provides a sad story (based on the title). upon booting the game up, the gameplay loop feels really repetitive. I see that you gain new abilities as the game progresses but the game feels like an open world game without the open world

that isn't to say that I won't finish the game either, it just feels a little disappointing, given the price of the game as well.

Really good way to kill time.

Refunct was a fun little game that I found myself really enjoying. It was short, told a story, and then ended. There wasn't really any fluff in the story and it was very open-ended. You got to decide what the point of the gameplay was, and each new concept that was introduced through the short time-span of the game felt natural. Would love to see the game expanded upon, but I think it works as a standalone as well.

Played this a ton on the phone. Was definitely a game that I enjoyed, for the type of the game it was. At least for your first time playing, an escape attempt was always nerve wrecking.

I really didn't play this one that much, but I thought it lost the charm from the original game. The new ways to escape was cool, but it really lost the dirt and grime vibes from the first.

Got quite a bit of bad rep following watch dogs 2. Pretty sure it is one of the classics as far as video games go. Very unique type of gameplay for the time, and was good even if you ignored all but the main story.

your only goal is to make your friends rage, i promise its worth it


kinda slow, puzzles werent intuitive but overall a decent experience