5 Reviews liked by fuechter

Atmospheric and lovely to play again and again. The extra achievements are cool and it's fun to see where you end up. Captaining your boat is rather hard, but seeing the ending feels lovely. You can truly never have enough sticks.

This game is very weird. It isn't anything special, can get repetitive quickly in the mission structure, it reuses maps after 3 areas...

The game was also rushed out, best shown by the final level being cut in half and most missions consisting of going from edge 1 to edge 2.

And yet... It's fondly remembered by a lot of people, and for pretty good reasons.
It has a lot of charm through the voice talent and the music is phenomenal, there are references and callbacks everywhere... It's very enjoyable to play through and the simplicity is one of the reasons why modding it is so popular.

The great beginning of the legendary trilogy! To this day, the game is the best space opera in this genre. Everything looks very interesting and exciting, from the character creation screen and its story to the ending, which depends on your decisions throughout the game. The game gives a sense of the event's scale and importance. The depicted universe is well developed and detailed. It is interesting to reveal its secrets and the depth of history. Each character you interact with has an interesting background and can develop in their own way depending on your decisions. All these details add depth and intrigue to the plot.
The gameplay is varied and dynamic, combining different weapons and abilities. The exploration of distant planets is usually not very exciting. Mostly, it all comes down to finding resources and hidden bases in almost empty monotonous locations. A large amount of resources can create problems because after the missions to sort out endlessly deep baggage.
The graphics are suitable for their time. The musical accompaniment is wonderful and atmospheric.
The game can be played multiple times.

I was glad to retread the paths of the original, and the New Content carried with it all the same wit and charm, although did start to wear thin in parts. I find "lol random" humor and the whole self-referential meta thing more blasé than mind-blowing these days, but despite that there were some real stand-out and laugh-out-loud moments which shone through.

Respawn is the only other studio that can actively compete with Bungie in making a first person shooter, and with Titanfall 2 they showed all they had to bear. This game is an absolute joy both in multiplayer and campaign.