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I picked this game up and put it back down four separate times in the span of about a year because I didn't have the patience for the actual gameplay a lot of the time, and I haven't gotten a (non-premature) ending yet. Even if I don't like the act of playing, in concept I think a lot of the mechanics are cool as hell, and I REALLY REALLY like the skills and their "voices". There's a lot of dialogue in this game that will stick with me until I die. I went in to this game wanting to like it and I really really did.

Sometimes people criticize this game on the grounds that it's pro-police because you play as a cop. I don't agree with that but I think it's an understandable conclusion to reach, I think it tries to give police officers and the concept of policing and law much more nuance (and frankly sympathy) than either deserve, in a way that's very jarring when considering the game's politics in every other aspect. Also Harry du Bois is a trans woman.