i am not one to usually play horror or horror-related games. i am, in the words of santa, a pussy. this game scared the everliving shit out of me even without any jumpscares.

but, outside of that, it's great! an excellent visual novel with awesome music, a tight narrative and great puzzles. the PC port is quite janky, but that doesn't knock it down too much.

my major problem with the game comes with its classic spike chunsoft-isms, like the one character with massive tits, sometimes poor translation and certain characters that feel pretty one-dimensional despite being vital to the story cough cough snake cough cough june cough cough

i also find it really really funny that every character knows a billion random ship-related facts and history. also, the voiceover work ranged from quite good to... questionable, to say the least.

it's pretty good. probably not for me, but i still found it pretty fun.

also funnily enough this was my 99th game beaten! what a coinkidink

Reviewed on May 31, 2024
