Look. I get it. I shouldn't expect much from an MP-focused AAA FPS titles even though they pour millions and millions of dollars into this thing. But there is a line where it becomes so bad that excuse doesn't work.

Setting aside the numerous campaign bugs that they just didn't give a rat's ass to fix since the game's release, the game's level design itself is just poor. They give you "more freedom" by giving you a semi-large area with bunch of enemies to tackle. But unlike Halo, you have such limited options: your stealth is basically useless, the friendly AI is one of the worst I've ever seen, and the player really has no option but to shoot from cover. Then there are missions like "cover me while I'm doing this," which somehow takes so long (this dude taking like 5 minutes to open a goddamn glass door, for example), and the whole game is just repetition of these levels in sequence, making the game tiring very quickly.

And yes, story is of course bad, and intrusively so. But I should've expected that. What I didn't expect is that they had a level set in Xinjiang Uighur where the only people present are US Marines and Russian army. At that point, it's downright offensive.

I enjoy modern military AAA shooter campaigns for what they are, but dear lord, this was something else.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2021
