What else can I say other than brutal? DQ3 tried to deliver on a jrpg adventure that felt personal, with the supposed death of your father kicking off your journey as his replacement and living up to his legacy. In my opinion, DQ5 completely destroyed DQ3 in that department. I won’t get into too much detail to keep things fresh for those to come, but the journey immediately feels personal from the intro alone, leading into your own birth and then giving you the reins as a 6 year old boy exploring the world with your father Pankraz. Everything that comes after is a mix of wonder, joy, adventure, cruelty, hatred, and depression.

DQ5 also introduces us to the monster taming mechanic, allowing for numerous team possibilities. The fresh ost was a welcome addition and having party chat built in both enhance the experience so much. And last but not least, I said I wouldn’t get into spoilers but man I can’t get over how the journey and the realizations you come to are scripted. Every DQ looks to both outdo its predecessor and maintain a unique identity, and in my eyes there won’t be a game later down this series life that can outdo or replace the place this game has taken in my heart.

Reviewed on Jul 06, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

mid game also the monster taming sucks