Same overall opinion as for AITSF: on the positive side I prefer Somnia over escape rooms, on the negative I find the mood of the game too silly goofy. Man, I miss Zero Escape.

Gotta say, the cast of characters and the Somnia has improved since AITSF.

AITSFNI + ZTD spoilers ahead

Sorry, I don't buy "that", it's the ZTD bs all over again. It's too excluded from the narrative for me and I feel like it doesn't really serves a purpose besides an afternote at the end (which isn't that deep anyway). I wish Uchikoshi stopped trying to implement the unreliable narrator trope this way, it just doesn't work. I know that the mistery would be too straightforward without it, but imo arbitrarily obfuscating the narrative as a "puzzle" loses a ton of value if it doesn't provide anything meaningful besides a twist and putting your brain to work for a while.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Opino lo mismo xd
El twist cuando te enteras te vuela la cabeza pero cuanto más lo piensas es como, ¿por qué?
No ayuda que hasta la parte en la que te lo explican está también como fuera de la propia narrativa, se siente muy artificial.
Hay algunas teorías con el "final secreto" y tal que hacen que hacen que todo cuadre un poco más, pero aún asi nunca me terminó de cerrar.

Igualmente estoy bastante seguro de que algo están cocinando para AI3