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December 12, 2023

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The Darkness II is a comic book simulator/linear first person shooter game developed by Digital Extremes as a sequel to the first video game, which in itself is an adaptation of a spin-off to a comic series called Witchblade. Fun stuff right? What else has Digital Extremes done? Apparently a lot, they’re most famous for Warframe now but other titles I recognize are Pariah (an Xbox Original FPS), Dark Sector, the PS3 port for Bioshock/multiplayer for Bioshock 2, and a third person Star Trek game based on one of the newer movies. How did they get involved in The Darkness II after Starbreeze Studios developed the first title? I’m unsure but my guess is that the owner of the IP, 2K, decided to just switch development over to these guys and apparently weren’t even given the option to develop it and only heard about it in the middle of development for Starbreeze’s Syndicate FPS game. Digital Extremes went on to develop this for around three years or so (retaining the writer from the previous game, Paul Jenkins, as well) and the game released to a generally positive reception for the most part.

My experience with encountering this game started however many odd years ago as a young lad, back when I lived in my old town. I couldn’t buy games much but my mom (shoutout to my mom) would rent me games that I’d ask for and I’d give them a solid try before the store would eventually close down. I had never heard of this game nor was I interested and I think I wanted something a bit different at the time but she got me a rented copy of this game and while I was confused (though I think she got it for me because it had mentions of the mafia and I’m fascinated with organized crime) I gave it a spin on my Xbox 360 back in the day and I legitimately enjoyed it for the most part. I later picked it up on Steam to play cooperative multiplayer with people and having had the same friend who played The Darkness 1 on the hardest difficulty play this title on the hardest difficulty, I felt I had some thoughts to give on my viewpoints of the game.

Taking place two years after the events of the previous game, the possessed Jackie Estacado is now living a quiet life after the death of his girlfriend Jenny, having avenged her death against Paulie Franchetti and taking over the reigns as the Don of the Franchetti Crime Family. The game opens up with a throwback to the previous game, having Jackie sit in a dark room all by himself while narrating about his life and the events of the previous game. From there it opens up to him walking through a restaurant, the liveliness of it all as it’s made clear that he’s the top dog in the place, and on top of that he’s on a date with two blonde twins. This ends poorly with one of the girls getting a poor Moe Green special, and the restaurant is under siege by a mysterious group of armed men. He’s dragged away by his cohort Vinnie, and the two return fire while ultimately being surrounded and the shootout ends with a gas leak and a giant explosion. Jackie is on death’s door when he sees a weird guy with a hunched back and one eye, who looks clearly different from everyone else in the attack force. He tells the goon to “push you further”, and it looks like the only way out is to listen to the voice inside of your head. Here’s the problem with that, The Darkness is an ancient and supernatural entity that’s been hidden inside of him all of these years and is looking for a new host, and it FEEDS off of the negativity and the body count that Jackie’s previous massacre had provided. Somehow in the time since then, he’s kept the Darkness trapped within him, contained and unable to harm anyone else. However, this is life or death and Jackie decides to listen to the metaphorical and literal devil on his shoulder; this literal devil bursts out of your body with tentacles and proceeds to utterly massacre all of the nearby hitmen.

Jackie proceeds to shoot his way through the streets, killing off the armed squads of hitmen and meeting back up with the Darkling from the first game (though given a singular British voice and personality) before trudging into Canal Street Subway. For those who’ve played the previous game, it looks eerily familiar yet different at the same time, probably due to the updated art style but I digress. He ends up running into Jenny’s ghost and gets hit by a train, after which he wakes up in an asylum. He talks to Johnny and Tony (two people you’ll see later) who ramble about strange shit and Jackie wakes up to find himself possessed by The Darkness, who proceeds to finish off a goon tentacle to mouth. The Franchetti’s flee the scene back to the mansion, and Jackie freaks out due to being possessed which leads to Jackie sending goons to find his old occult assistant Johnny Powell. Lighting a candle for his old girlfriend Jenny, Aunt Sarah (from the first game) gives Jackie shit for not moving on and his goons (Butcher Joyce returns from the first game) nervously side-step around talking about Jackie’s powers, referring to them as “his thing”. Jimmy the Grape (also from the first game) comes back with info on the attackers: more of their businesses and people are getting whacked and a waiter recognizes a potential culprit, a guy named Swifty. Jimmy and Jackie get some guys and they all roll out to Swifty’s neighborhood where Jackie kills and decapitates goons through a pool hall and takes out Swifty’s wrecking ball ambush. He escapes, but Jackie runs into Jenny’s ghost again and they share a tender moment dancing again. If there’s anything that the two games know how to do, it’s pull on your heart strings with beautiful moments between this and watching TV in the first game. Of course after this the Darkness pulls away and reminds it’s host that he’s alone, and Jackie chases Swifty into a warehouse. More dead goons and radio dialogue later, it’s learned that Swifty and his goons were threatened and bribed into going after Jackie by guys “who looked like whacked out monks”. Swifty says that this “secret club” was posted out of a brothel and that’s where he met the leader to spearhead the ambush before the Darkness decides to murder the poor bastards against Jackie’s whims.

Jackie heads back to the mansion with the envelope full of cash from Swifty’s corpse, and Vinnie tells him that they found Johnny Powell but it wasn’t willingly as he had previously skipped out on Jackie. Powell speaks about how the Darkness was seducing him, whispering to him and that it was changing him. Jackie gives Powell the envelope and tells him to find out who tried setting him up for the hit and Jimmy the Grape and some of his boys, Eddie and Frank, tell Jackie about how through their own activities (snorting coke off of a hooker’s ass of course) that this “secret club” is placed out of the Brimstone. The hooker also saw the weird looking guy who tried to have Jackie “pushed '' at this place, and this “pushes” Jackie to head out. Meeting up with Vinnie, he tells him about his friend “Venus”, who could give him any intel he needs. Johnny stops by and freaks out and hints that whomever hired Swifty were “really fucking bad” before retreating back to do more research. Heading to the Brimstone, Jackie meets up with Venus who gives him a gun and sends him on his merry way but not before hearing horror stories of the “secret club” and how hookers have been disappearing. A whole bunch of dead bodies later, Jackie is captured after having an army of lights shine upon him and is fucking crucified as a result. The guy with the hunchback is here, and Venus is dead and slung up nearby. The hunchback tells him that he needs to choose to give back the Darkness, which is slowly sifting away into a giant golden staff called “The Siphon”. The hunchback tells his assistant to turn on the TV and as the camera films the inside of Jackie’s mansion basically bragging to Jackie’s face that he will “destroy his entire organization” and makes Jackie choose between Eddie or Frank to live, the one not chosen will be shot point blank by his number one guy Bragg. Before I continue, I’m going to go on a bit of a spiel here.

So you have to choose between who dies right, Eddie or Frank? The only thing you know is that they’re your henchmen, so being a good boss you’re supposed to care about your men right? Who are they? The one time I remember seeing them it’s comic relief about snorting coke off of a hooker. Being funny is cool but I haven’t spent enough time with them to truly get their personality. There’s also an achievement to not choose anyone to die, which to be honest I chose to do every time not just because I don’t like choosing who dies, but because why should I care about them other than they’re Jackie’s guys? Give me character development or otherwise the choice is going to be meaningless and I won’t really give a shit.

Jackie at the end of the day tells the guy to go fuck himself, and in return for rejecting his offer of giving them the Darkness, the hunched man tells Bragg to kill everyone in there starting with Aunt Sarah. While being put under a Rocky-beatdown type torture, the Darkness tells him to fight or else he’ll never get back the one thing that it holds over Jackie: Jenny’s soul. Jackie rips his hand out of one of the nails in the cross and stabs his torturer to death. Of course it’s here where your best friend Quasimodo goes on a narcissistic rant about how “he tried to give you an out” and that “he was only trying to help you” as if he didn’t just attempt to assassinate you and threaten to kill everyone you love. Jackie escapes as the Brimstone ironically is lit on fire and Jackie starts to kill secret society goons who intercept him, wearing strange armor. Jackie is picked up by Butcher Joyce and some others and they race off back to the mansion, fighting his way from the underground parking lot and up. Here you meet crazed loon Dolfo and meet up with Vinnie and Johnny Powell, who finally gives you a run down on the secret society: The Brotherhood. These guys have been around for eons and were the original keepers of The Darkness, led by a mysterious hunchback with a name: Victor. You learn that The Siphon was a device originally created by the Darkness’s equivalent in the light realm: the Angelus, as one of the only things that could contain this creature. Jackie and the Darkness rip and tear through the mansion and put down the goons only for Bragg to slice open your Aunt Sarah and shoot you in the head. You wake up again in the Asylum, and the question opens up about whether you’re in Heaven or Hell. He meets up with Doctor James, a version of Jimmy the Grape, who gives him the spiel about how Jackie should be taking his medicine before sending him to Nurse Jenny.

Even Nurse Jenny writes off Jackie’s concerns about everything going on as “delusions”, who freaks out about how this isn’t real. Nearly injected with knockout juice, Johnny comes to save the day with a tackle and Jackie manages to make a run outside before a fade to black. After recounting a story about how his father almost killed him as a kid, he wakes up to find Johnny Powell who tells him Aunt Sarah’s funeral is today. He tells Johnny about the Darkness’s plans, how it wants the Siphon for itself and Johnny makes some VERY good points about hallucinations and how potentially she might not even be real. Regardless, they go to Aunt Sarah’s funeral (on the way experiencing a small hallucination of the asylum. They go to Aunt Sarah’s coffin and talk before that Dark Brotherhood asshole Bragg comes in and ruins the whole process. Multiple dead bodies and one angry mafia boss later, Bragg taunts Jackie and tells him that Victor is at Hellgate Field in Astoria, before getting his literal heart ripped out in a painful yet poignant death.

Jackie and his men head back to the mansion and check in with Johnny, and Jackie tells him the plan: he’s going to Hellgate to put an end to The Brotherhood once and for all, even if it is a trap. This game is so short that this is what I would consider the endgame, even though it’s a pretty long endgame. Jackie meets up with Vinnie and Jimmy the Grape, whom he tells to lay low while him and “his thing” finish off Victor and his secret society once and for all. Arriving at the Boardwalk, Jackie goes through a long sequence where he relives his old days with Jenny and kills more Brotherhood goons before running into Victor, whom he thinks it's a good idea to stand in front of an Iron Maiden trap for. He wakes up again in the Asylum trapped inside of a closet, this time encountering asylum counterparts to Victor’s assistant Peevish and even Swifty. Dolfo’s counterpart, Adolf, puts on his best Hitler impression and gives him orders to break into the janitor’s closet for some chemicals. The janitor lets him in, where he reveals himself to be the Darkling who brings him through hell and tells him that it’s all a hallucination and to not let The Brotherhood take the Darkness. He lets Jackie pilot it’s body, who sneaks and kills his way to a dungeon and rescues himself. Victor has stolen the Darkness, and refusing to let it steal Jenny away from him, goes back to rescue it. Jackie roams around and learns that The Brotherhood set up shop in his father’s old home, and grabbing a gun travels in further only to find Victor stabbing Peevish with the Siphon and giving him powers. Killing Peevish, he acquires some Darkness powers and heads further in and finds a picture of his dear old dad. Victor confronts him about his past, how his father was obsessed with the Darkness and that he had reached out to the Brotherhood for help. If they found the Siphon, they could take the Darkness so Jackie could live a normal life. They’re here to collect a debt and reveal their true intentions: to make the world kneel before the being itself. Jackie and Victor clash in the attic after the rest of the Brotherhood members are shot down, and instead of giving The Darkness the power of the Siphon, Jackie decides to stab himself with it so he can go down to hell (but not before killing Victor with the Siphon itself).

Jackie stabs himself with it to get to Jenny before waking up in the Asylum one last time. Being led out to Nurse Jenny (and running into Doctor Victor), the darkling janitor gives him an opening to escape from the roof and dies by sunlight exposure as a sacrifice. He proceeds to attempt to jump when Nurse Jenny tries to talk you out of it and you’re given two choices: either go back inside with Nurse Jenny or jump off the roof. Nurse Jenny is the false ending, one where Jackie dances with Jenny again but is forever trapped. The real ending has Jackie reject them and jump off the roof, which sends him to hell and puts the Darkness in an angry frenzy. Jackie sees Jenny strung up and shoots through demons with fleshy looking Existenz-looking guns to rescue her and it finally pays off. Jackie and Jenny embrace yet again and tell each other that they love each other before Jenny transforms into a strange creature. This creature is The Angelus, and she chose Jenny to be her new host. Now free from her shackles, The Angelus traps Jackie in hell and flies out with Jackie screaming NO to be the last thing anyone hears.

What I can say about my feelings of the plot is that for the most part I enjoy a lot of the concepts that it has going for it, the personal focused journey of Jackie as he has to deal with his past while he controls the Darkness within him. The struggles of a mafia boss as he deals with a cult who wants to take him down piece by piece to steal an ancient entity. The characters whether main or side are likable and charming, each one with their own sort of personality that you get to see in the limited amount of time you see them. There are new characters you haven’t seen like Vinnie, Dolpho or Enzo (though I get confused sometimes cause there’s an older Vinnie in the first Darkness and I don’t remember him dying) to returning characters like Jimmy the Grape, Aunt Sarah or the ghost of Jenny. Jackie Estacado himself is a badass (stereotypical term I know) who slaughters everything in his path with magical demon powers and kills s h i t. If you’re looking for an example of a group that’s so easy to want to kick in the teeth then Victor and his Brotherhood cult will make you want to kick them in the throat so that’s pretty cool, though I wish there was more to it. In fact, that’s the main issue: I wish I could spend more time with them, in fact I wish I could spend more time with all of them. Maybe not everything needs a super amount of depth but there wasn’t enough for me to personally care for the Brotherhood or their impact on Jackie. While this is a subjective take, to me they’re a non-entity that I really couldn’t care for and I had more interest in Jackie murdering mobsters again, or at the very least having the game take a bit longer and build up to the reveal of the Brotherhood with some more fleshed out backstory. Even if this group was in the comics, and they reveal bits and pieces of lore here and there, the truth is I wasn’t satisfied with it like I was with the lore around Darkness 1. In general, the game needed to be longer and that’s not something I say often because games nowadays are so bloated with unnecessary filler that I’d rather games be shorter and more concise. I guess overall, it needed more meat to it and while I enjoyed the set pieces and overall packaging, it didn’t deliver as well as I would’ve liked and it rushes to a conclusion that’s a cool idea, but with any cliffhanger kinda depends on whether or not it’s guaranteed that there would be a sequel and since then? Nothing. It's like waiting for Dad to get home with the milk only to find ketchup packets and a postcard from Hawaii in the mail from him and his younger girlfriend.

The multiplayer campaign, a cooperative affair called Vendettas, is a bit different. Playing as four different characters (including Jimmy Wilson, a drunk scottish man who carries a Darkness ax; JP Dumond, a voodoo doctor who carries a Darkness staff; Inugami, a young samurai who carries a Darkness samurai sword; and Shoshanna, a former mossad agent who carries Darkness guns) as you’re hired by the Franchetti Crime Family over the course of the campaign to help out in the fight against other mafia groups and their backer, The Brotherhood by any means. They’re the ones who find Johnny Powell who was kidnapped (though funny enough the campaign said they found him living under a bridge in a box) and work for him to find out information on Jackie’s attackers. The group are sent to track Swifty’s and Luigi Palladino’s (a multiplayer target) boss at a paper factory where a large amount of dark essence is being held. Sensing more dark essence from a News Channel 6 van that the boss pops out of, they head there next to track its trail. Along the way you learn of another artifact The Brotherhood has their eyes on: The Spear of Destiny. This spear was used to kill Jesus on the cross and can in theory kill Jackie so they can take The Darkness from him. Their second leader, David Graves, tries to recruit the four but to no avail so he sends Brotherhood soldiers after them. Thinking the Spear will be at the docks, the four go to the docks only to have David Graves attempt to recruit them AGAIN, which AGAIN fails so he sends two of his highest members to kill them which fails poorly. Instead, they find a shipping manifest which after research is confirmed that the Spear is at the Manhattan Trust Bank, which Graves apparently owns. The four and Dolfo make their way to the front of the bank to plant a bomb, shooting their way through numerous Brotherhood goons before managing to break into the VIP Vault. David Graves confronts them and it turns into a boss battle which drags them to hell and makes them fight a giant hell beast before finally killing Graves and stealing the spear. With their work done, they head back to the bar where Vinnie thanks and congratulates them for their work before telling them not to leave work as “there’s more to come”. The plot for this section is okay, it’s an excuse to have a cooperative campaign and it does kind of fill in the blanks in some spots but it’s not a necessary addition to the overarching narrative and truth be told could’ve not existed and I would’ve been fine.

Here’s what I’ll say about the gameplay: as much as I love and honestly prefer the first game’s movement, shooting, and everything attached to it: this game feels a lot more smooth and polished with it. You actually reload guns in this game instead of picking them up and dropping them when you run out of ammo and in a lot of ways they feel a lot better, though I do miss the lack of up close kill animations. There are multiple different guns that are fun to pick up and play with, and you can get boosts and perks by unlocking them with skill points via different floating purple upgrade stations throughout the story. How do the powers fare? They feel pretty solid too and in some ways a lot better than the first game as well. Slashing things with your Darkness tentacles feels way better than the slash from the first title, grabbing feels powerful as do executions (which you can choose different animations for different perks like a health boost or a temporary power boost to guns), and stealing the hearts out of the corpses of your enemies is always a good time. The ability to use environmental items as throwable weapons is pretty cool too, they bring back special abilities like the Black Hole power and The Darkling is back as well! However, it doesn’t have multiple choices in terms of which kind of Darkling you can have, you just get one that you can summon to sick enemies for a distraction, steal weapons in the field and explode on command (though I don’t remember this as much). However, AGAIN compared to the first one it pales in comparison because you could summon bomber darklings, minigun darklings, regular darklings, all sorts of stuff. The coolest thing that you could perhaps do is control them once or twice throughout the plot and that’s about it. The Darkness powers were also a lot more in depth with the ability to control a tentacle to sneak your way through an area and perhaps kill some mobsters or reach a collectible in an out of place section. Finally before I move onto some more criticism, like the first game the light is Jackie’s weakness and if you walk into the light the Darkness will recede, your vision will go blurry and you won’t be able to regen health.

One thing that I was discussing with a friend of mine while writing up the review for this game is that while it’s very polished, it’s also a very “safe” game. It’s a linear first person shooter with one hub-ish area (the mansion) with barely any side quests except picking up collectible Darkness artifacts (which give a cool bit of lore to the world) as well as a pigeon shooting game with your guy Dolfo. Apparently the mansion and the asylum were supposed to be hubs during the main storyline where you could receive little side quests but were according to the Darkness wiki, “discarded due to budget constraints”. There was also DLC planned for the game in general before the Borderlands 2 train derailed any hope for further plans with Jackie Estacado which sucks a lot in terms of replayability. It’s a short game, one of which doesn’t have much other than maybe playing the campaign once or twice and perhaps getting invested in the cooperative multiplayer. It’s here where you will play as four unique characters with their own skill trees and animations as you go through missions, which are either classified as Vendettas (main story missions) or Hit List (one off missions) that are fun in it’s own way even if it’s also a one in done deal. The only real technical problem I could find was that invisible walls would prevent you from moving forward but that can be fixed by enabling V-Sync in the options menu so it’s a quick fix pretty much.

The atmosphere and the art style of the game is one in the same, as graphically they took a lot of inspiration from comic books. Everything is much more cell shaded and less realistic compared to the first one, which used Starbreeze’s realistic looking engine to create detailed characters and environments. This game’s set dressing and models, while a bit detailed, are I’m sure a lot less intensive then something that’s ultra realistic but I find that most of the time the environmental stuff is pretty good. As for whether or not the atmosphere is as good as the first one? I don’t know to be honest, I’ll say that in general I didn’t really have much of an opinion on this one artistically other than “good” and that atmospherically it’s also “good”. I hate that I’m not able to give much of an opinion on it but for the most part you don’t really get much in the way of notable environments that don’t have to do with the actual comic book graphic style. You’ll go through alleyways, more alleyways, warehouses, and whatever the hell but without much in the way to make it feel unique in a way. I guess Hellside is cool, the mansion looks clean and Hell definitely looks like Hell or the stereotypical version of hell at least but it doesn’t really do it for me. I appreciate the psychological aspect of Hell being the asylum in this game but the original game had a World War 1 hellscape with undead soldiers, constant bombs and the freakiest black metal imagery available. Sadly I just don’t feel much of anything other than “oh this is good” and that sucks because it is good, it just doesn’t strike anything to me that plenty of other games haven’t done before.

So what’s the sound design at least like? To me it’s honestly better in the sequel than the first game, and that’s not a diss. I liked the awkwardness of the first game’s Jackie but Brian Bloom brings this oomph to Jackie and I ended up liking this guy’s emotiveness a bit more but that’s not a diss on the old performance. Mike Patton is back as The Darkness itself and Jesus fucking Christ does that guy know how to screech and sound evil as fuck while doing it and he just eats up his performance, Mike Patton IS the Darkness and honestly the best voice actor in the whole damn game, in a game full of great voice acting. Other voice actors include William Salyers as Victor who plays such a hateable character that he just makes it work (as I actively wanted to punch Victor in the face), Rick Pasqualone and Frank Ashmore are here as Vinnie and Jimmy the Grape, which makes me think that 2K was just like “yo, if you need mafia voice actors hit these guys up they did GREAT a year or two previously”. Stefanie Frame brings this innocence to Jenny and embodies it fantastically while Barbara Goodson plays Aunt Sarah as a great grandmotherly figure. Though what I will say is that while everyone is great, I’m surprised that they replaced everyone except Mike Patton, though if they did replace Mike Patton that would be a fucking crime because again he plays the Darkness perfectly.

The licensed soundtrack is also varied with tracks from Wild Thing by Tone Loc to Black Betty by Ram Jam to I Only Have Eyes for You by The Flamingos, and this is only in one mission. While I don’t necessarily remember the others, I think the selection they had even for this one level is good and varied enough. The actual soundtrack compositions by Tim Wynn, whose main menu theme here is pretty solid but again I don’t remember much else about the music other than orchestral. I respect orchestral music by the way, don’t get me wrong; however most of the time unless it has something unique that pops out at me (like Demon’s Souls soundtrack for example), it just doesn’t do it for me. However, he apparently did tracks for The Punisher, Gun and Command & Conquer games before this before and would move on to XCOM 2, a bunch of Total War games and Marvel’s Midnight Suns. As for the actual sound effects and environmental noise for the game, it’s pretty good for the most part. There isn’t much in the way of ASMR or anything but the gun noises were pretty meaty to them, from the dual wielded pistols to the pump shotgun to the machine guns. In fact, if any of them were to pop out the most it would be the Striker, which I swear sounds similar to the Desert Eagle off of Modern Warfares 1 and 2 from back in the day. Overall, the weapon sounds feel powerful for the most part though that’s really it for the most part? Nothing else comes to mind of truly crazy sound design other than the guns but for the most part it works and that’s perfectly fine.

I'm gonna be honest with you. I enjoyed the first Darkness a lot more than I did this one. It’s by no means that this game is a bad game, in fact for a lot of people it has a lot more charm. Jackie is more emotive, the gunplay feels a lot less clunky and a lot more fluid in the sequel, and usually I’m all for smaller scale games. However, The Darkness’s world felt a lot more interactive from the side quests to the NPCs in the semi-free roam open world, the realistic and darker atmosphere. I preferred the focus on killing mobsters compared to weird cult members, the truncated length led to it feeling less satisfying to me, the comic book art direction is solid but didn’t hit the vibe I was personally looking for. Again, it’s a solid game compared to the first one and one that I’ll never regret playing, and one I’ll probably pick up again and again over the next couple of years if I feel like playing it in short bursts. This is a subjective take but I want more and different, more akin to the first one then what the developers attempted to do here. But it’s still a great game overall and holds up on its own merits even if it slips and falls here and there with certain ideas. If you’re looking for a shorter, stylistic comic book first person shooter where you can wipe the floor with your enemies with magical demon powers then buy it on sale.

What happened after The Darkness II then? The developers had attempted to pitch a Darkness III originally and had plans to drag Jackie out of hell apparently, with the cliffhanger ending involving The Angelus finally being solved. Along with a pitch document was apparently a small prototype but the game never moved forward into any sort of development stage and to be honest with you, that sucks. I’m not a fan of cliffhanger endings as most of the time they aren’t followed through on and instead you’re left with empty promises and what could have been. As for IF there is any sort of Darkness game in the future? Who knows. Maybe one day, but I haven’t heard of anything though I think I can say that we would love to see a finisher to Jackie’s story. As for Digital Extremes they would mostly go on to develop and release Warframe and while they’ve released other content since it seems they’ve kind of just coasted on with the success Warframe has made, updating it presumably with new content while Jackie is kind of stranded in hell. Who knows, maybe one day he will rise from its ashes and a new game will be made. One can only hope I suppose but for now, the Angelus is out somewhere and that’s where the game, and this review ends.







