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gardenslug finished The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood

This review contains spoilers

in choosing to give up my immortality, i ended this game exactly where i started it - isolated from everyone i love - and god that's so fucking sad 🥺

really really special game for me. definitely stronger in the first half. i frankly couldn't care less about the election - in fact it made me upset i couldn't support dahlia's campaign as i fully agreed with every one of her points - and i MUCH preferred the smaller scale of the early chapters, just helping witches through their problems and talking to my friends who i love dearly and don't want to SABOTAGE THANK YOU

love the way this game tells its story though. in particular i love how suddenly the chapters end at a major revelation before going into a flashback sequence. and the cliffhangers! oh my god. when patrice reached out of the grave my jaw hit the floor. and the revelation shortly after that my tarot reading made that happen? SO good.

character designs were so good. the amount of gender envy this game gave me LOL. need to have fortuna's outfit immediately please

fun fact! i went in fully assuming jasmine and dahlia would be the love interests. and when i met grethe i was like god i wish she was one too tho asdfaddsf so imagine my SURPRISE and DELIGHT to learn that not only was she a romance option but she was the ONLY romance option?? i'm glad i simped over the right one LOL

not much more to say really. i love making tarot cards and doing readings. i love the music. i love the themes of isolation and the unavoidable passage of time. and um i love the sisterhood! sure hope i ascend one day <3

6 hrs ago

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1 day ago

gardenslug commented on Slaking's review of Dragon Age: Inquisition
agree with a lot of the points you make, and definitely agree that it's the weakest of the trilogy especially in terms of busy work and a pretty uninteresting main plot. but the characters mean soooo much to me that i keep replaying over and over hehe. bioware is so good at characters. so excited for veilguard :')

1 day ago

2 days ago

gardenslug commented on pronounspronouns's review of Life is Strange
also COOL website feels very myspace to me hehe

3 days ago

gardenslug commented on pronounspronouns's review of Life is Strange
my favorite game ever hehe, i have a tattoo of the butterfly pic :')

i hope double exposure is good but i will not play it cause it's made by the people that made before the storm which i hated lol 🙏

3 days ago

gardenslug commented on Slaking's review of Dragon Age II

4 days ago

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