What if a game was... like a movie? That's not what this is.

What if a game was... 6 hours of stiff, prestige television inspired by the Underworld franchise of all things (but instead of being about cool monsters, human characters are at the forefront 90% of the time) that mayyyyybe will get good in the 2nd season but the 1st season was so reserved and boring it didn't get renewed? That's it. So it's just this overwrought prologue condemned to never continue.

Also, like Underworld, it's politically rancid. Somehow it's even worse tho. Like... it's an althistory setting where an empire has advanced tech and magic and you play as the bad guys. And they aren't bad cuz they're imperialists. They're portrayed as... misguided at best? Cuz they've been infiltrated by evil, monstrous "half breed" races who are steering the empire. It's very gross (hearing "half breed" uttered over and over again was the worst). It awkwardly sidesteps a critique of empire and white supremacy by pointing the finger at fantasy monsters. It's also super uncompelling.

I only played this cuz it has werewolves and it was extremely disappointing on that front, they're barely in it lol

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2021
