played this coop with a friend in a discord call with others. overall i thought this was way better than all of the nancy naysayers have been saying, but it's still not without flaws.

overall, gameplay is clunky as hell but in sort of a good way? gunplay is fine enough, but mixed in with the clunky and overbearing controls and mechanics, it feels like too much at first but then gradually comes up to being natural (except for vehicle controls. please keep your controller plugged in). the inventory/menu UI is hot garbage though and whenever it keeps changing i want to stab my eyes with forks.

here's some campaign specific reviews from a coop perspective, but my overall ranking is jake > chris >>> leon = ada. i guess spoilers from this point forward:

leon — played as leon. definitely presented as the Beginner-Friendly™ playthrough, but to a detriment imo. basically all of the deep "Look How Fucked Up This Bioterrorism Shit Is" stuff from an RE2 or an RE3 but instead played out in the most hammy of ways conjoined with trying to get you acclimated to the ropes. too much fighting simmons for my taste. at least the lightning rod part was hype. 2.5/5

chris — played as chris. this is where the funny redfield bloodline face picture is from. feels just like RE5 kind of did in terms of story structure and stuff, but with way more homoeroticism. too much fuckin' running away from things with the camera pointed opposite the direction you're running from though! pour one out for piers and his sick lightning virus arm. 3.5/5

jake — played as jake. expected to like this one the least, ended up loving this one the most. honestly, i think the more action-oriented RE games shine best when they lean all in on the random nonsense bullshit. having jake do fucking suplexes and melee combos and shit while sherry (who is now hot and voiced by eden riegel, god bless) has RE5's certified best weapon, the stun rod, kicking ass is incredible. the racism gets kicked up a little bit on this one though. oops! 4/5

ada — played as the bozo agent. this campaign was designed for solo play and it fucking shows hard; you can't do jack shit as the agent. we ended up making our own fun coming up with in-lore reasons as to why he just teleports everywhere and can't do anything. tries to wrap up all of the story bits, but is kind of more confusing in retrospect. also tries doing some classic RE puzzles at the start but then it just kind of falls apart. we actually got a pair of other bozos playing the leon part of the ada campaign and we got to fight simmons with them while i kept spamming the agent's "Nice!" line which was the funniest shit ever. 2.5/5

overall, i did enjoy playing this one. not as much as RE5, but i think we can all agree that a stellar "7/10" game you can just take the piss out of is way better than most of the kind of dull triple-A stuff on the market nowadays trying to take itself a little too seriously. like my buddy chase posted here before me said, this game sucks but i kind of adore it.

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022
