pros: this'll probably only be until at least a month or so after launch, but playing it again during the launch feels almost exactly like how overwatch 1 did back from 2016 to 2018 when the game was Actually Okay™. it's still overwatch at its core, so it's at least decently okay fun if you have some friends to play the game with. i am not immune to hot women, so their soft lean-in on porn twitter is kind of working maybe.

cons: feels sterilized in so many ways it's unbelievable. everything just does damage now with no real interesting options for play (WHY would you even remove mei's gun freezing and slowing enemies, isn't that like the whole point of her kit???), all of the UI / new graphic design feels like they kept turning a gauge in front of a board of investors labeled "Clean" until they applauded, and they managed to increase the fomo and microtransaction monetization with battle passes and hard currency. also we know that this company sucks ass now and is under sixty billion investigations for being a shitty place to work at

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2022
