[UPDATE TIME] while i do think it was worth the initial purchase, the harder difficulties + endless mode did not grip me particularly. maybe some bonus content in the near future could change that.

beat campaign on "NORMAL" ~ k i l l e r first impression

This was a pleasant surprise for me! Initially saw the trailer-- loved the style, and while the (very literal) influences on the sleeve is my bag.. it is a BIT too saturated, in more ways than one. Even so, the stellar presentation has some super unique moments despite how much of it is just jacking the swag.

The premise gels rather smoothly within the context of playing it. Dystopian themes like this are dime-a-dozen, but it seldom beat me on the head with any of it. I wasn't amazed by any means, but I wasn't annoyed. It might be ONE of the most distilled forms of "railing a drug joke/yada yada" in a game that I've played..

It's like driving a semi-truck:
- VERY late to your destination
- You haven't slept
- Your coffee has adderall dissolving in it
- The cars in front of you bounce away like Crazy Taxi

I was pleased with how much this wrecking ball momentum worked in favor of both the game feel, but more importantly-- my ability to parse what was on screen. It's a unique sort of mind state where I didn't feel quite capable of pulling off what I did. It works quite well if you can relinquish some control for flow. I appreciated that the upgrade/rogue elements seemed to rely on base level skill instead of waiting on a good build to come. NORMAL difficultly was a fun time but I might have picked CHALLENGE in hindsight.

The campaign was absolutely worth playing through once.. BUT I'm mainly interested in the endless mode and harder difficulties. This will determine if Mullet MadJack is a forever game for me. (I'm hoping it is!)

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
