I keep trying to write coherently how I feel about Persona 5 and just keep falling short but here are my strongest thoughts.

The combat is so fresh and entertaining! The times I had to grind (which were very rare) never felt like a chore. It is so dynamic and cool, I loved all the Showtimes as well just a ton of fucking fun.

I didn't manage enough of my time to explore all the characters, but I loved the ones I did. Akechi's story in particular is probably the most compelling. It felt like most of the writing went into the characters rather than the plot, as a lot of the main plot beats kind of fell short. This is partially my fault, as I came in expecting something a little more philosophical and heady, but any of those elements felt much more like things that weee vaguely referenced rather than being a part of the plot.

I will probably like it a lot more the second time. I spent like over 100 hours in this game and the thought of doing it again is kind of annoying, but I am looking forward to actually using a New Game+ option sometime in the future.

Reviewed on Dec 10, 2023
