Persona 5 is absolutely shameless.

A fun combat system cannot hide what is an ultimately mind-numbing 100 hours of some of the most callously offensive and misogynistic writing I've been subjected to in my life. If there is a woman in this game, she WILL be shamelessly objectified by protagonists, antagonists, and especially the game developers, and you will never get a moment of rest from this ceaselessly dated writing style.

I can only describe it as masterfully tone-deaf that the game's highly acclaimed visual style is borrowed from midcentry British punk aesthetics with none of the serious political meaning and actual genuine rebellion against institutions of power carried along with it.

Avoid at all costs, I beg you. This is one instance where even the best gameplay in the world could not save the writing for its own life.

And please, for the love of god, be careful who you recommend this thing to. This should be handled like radioactive waste.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
