Log Status






Time Played

150h 48m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 21, 2022

First played

August 21, 2018

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


i hate to make this comparison but its stardew valley if stardew was about being a graveyard keeper (whoa), brutal as fuck in the new game and the learning curve was a vertical line. its a hell of a game to trudge through but i enjoyed it very much as well as the DLCs. the art is also not just a rip off of any similar games, and is honestly very nice to look at and fits the tone of the game well. would definitely recommend this to people who might be more on the masochistic side/those who dont mind grinding in games a lot of the time.

DLC opinions:
Game of Crone & Stranger Sins were a lot of fun and added a lot of positives to the game. Breaking Dead and Better Save Soul were enjoyable but to a lesser extant, adding mainly just more ways to break down bodies (which is fine, but not as fun if you have done everything else the game has to offer). if you had to choose, id recommend getting the first two over Better Save Soul (Breaking Dead is part of the base game at least on PC)