FINISHED THIS DUMBASS FUCKING DLC AND KILLED ALL OF THE REMEMBRANCE BOSSES PLUS THIS REVIEW COMES FROM A PERSON WHO COMPLETED ALL FROMSOFT GAMES+LIES OF P EXCEPT SEKIRO AND WHO WAS A DIEHARD FROMSOFT FAN BEFORE PLAYING THIS FUCKERY. and all i can say is fromsoft fans are still gonna like if fromsoft one day decide to drop a literal shit like LITERAL shit on a toilet for 40$. except for 2 remembrance bosses, they all suck ass but the last one is literally unfair and i don't even think anyone on the test team beated it without cheesing/with their own build. it's literally impossible, fucker is a damage sponge who 3shots you with 70vig 20 scad fragment while not having a stamina constantly attacking and giving you no time to punish it, second phase is WORSE because the little-to-nothing attack windows you have are going to turn into a dodging simulator because every attack this fucker does have an area aftershock attacks that fucks your fps to 10 and makes you see almost NOTHING on the screen lmao. don't even bother buying it before they update the scaling bullshit and spammer bosses that are NO FUN to fight against. exploration sucks because everything is so hidden that you have to check up on youtube to find out how do you get to some exact location on the map like ALWAYS. the new dlc map is an empty shithole that has so few places to go and few things to do. catacombs and caves are empty mazes and their bosses not even worth bothering. everything, like EVERYTHING about this dlc SUCKS ASS and people just don't want to admit it.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2024


2 days ago

I can agree that the scaling is shit and that camera and FPS also suck balls. Exploration feels a little empty cause there’s nothing around but i wouldn’t say it’s that bad.

I haven’t played that far but the two bosses i’ve beaten are Dancing Lion and Rellana, both of which were very good. Rellana should have had more punish windows, but that’s basically every Elden Ring boss, unfortunately.

2 days ago

Ok i posted my previous comment without finishing it so here’s the rest:

I’m niticing the scaling issues now. I beat Golden Hippopotamus (Fucking hate him worst boss ever) and it just feels like he has too much HP, does too much damage, is too fast, has no windows to either heal or punish him, and the camera is ass. I hope it gets better from here.
Fromsoft glazers will keep glazing. Its infuriating watching them accept literally anything. Just because somebody has beaten the final boss at level 1 with fists doesn't mean its good bro.