One of the top 5 best PC coop games to have been released.

After a thousand hours sunk into this game, I can only say that it somehow just worked. It has a simple loop of playing through heists to get money, to upgrade weapons, masks or to unlock other contracts or heists so you can experience new levels. In such a niche genre of gaming, PAYDAY 2 shines. There are not a lot of heist based games and it is not GTA Online that even comes close to the detail, complexity and planning that PAYDAY 2 offers you.

At the end of the day, it is a horde shooter like L4D if you play it 'loud' or a stealth game if you decide to do it quietly. But what changes throughout your sessions is the equipment you take, what weapons you bring, what doors to open. This creates a loop that is NOT exhausting. A fresh experience with every heist.

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024
