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It did not live up to the expectations the community had for it, nor the ones created by previous games.
FNaF 3 was just not as engaging. The main jumpscare was weak and more so comical than scary, the mechanics were all over the place and honestly confusing, the game was 'easy' but not in a traditional way and it just was not that fun.

Of course a lot of new things were added to the table like jumpscares that did not end your night, which was genuinely a good mechanic that made you panic, but very little more of value was added

FNaF 2 took what FNaF created and upgraded it extensively.

From a gameplay perspective, the second entry expanded what you need to do to survive, throwing a lot more mechanics to learn, creating a chaotic and fast paced game for your life. The roster became more than twice the size from the previous game and FNaF 2 cemented its' place as one of the best games in the franchise.

The game that would make mascot horror skyrocket and forever change the industry.

FNaF 1 is an amazing game. It is fun, simple and scary. Even traditional horror fans that prefer games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil can find some enjoyment here, I believe. Of course it relies on jumpscares more than anything to scare the player, but many elements contribute to the game's success as an horror title. The atmosphere, sound design, claustrophobic feeling the game gives off are just little pieces of a much bigger puzzle.