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ghostyy094 reviewed Cuphead
One of the only 'hard; games to keep me hooked. The absolutely stunning visuals and soundtrack are already enough for a decent rating, but pair it up with strong gameplay and a fun story to get through and this game becomes stellar.

13 days ago

ghostyy094 completed Cuphead

13 days ago

ghostyy094 reviewed Buckshot Roulette
Interesting is the best word I can think of to describe Buckshot Roulette. At a low price tag, the game is worth what you spend on it. It does not have enough content to keep you hooked or coming back unless you were really charmed by the game. It's simple to understand and the overall vibe of the game feels fitting for what the creator seemed to want to create.

13 days ago

13 days ago

ghostyy094 reviewed Papers, Please
A simple game with a bigger purpose and message.
This is one of those games that everyone should try if they are interested in gaming. Any PC can run this game, any person, regardless of usual genre of choice can understand and properly play this game, no technical or mechanical skill is required. Just a game there to provide you with tough choices, a satisfying gameplay loop and the ability to tailor the plot.

13 days ago

13 days ago

ghostyy094 completed The Outlast Trials
An underrated horror experience!
Outlast Trials is not Outlast 3, nor should it try to be. It's a different take on the franchise, jumping in on the trend of making every game multiplayer so you can convince friends to play with you (generating more revenue). Despite this, it does not lack content and everything feels crafted to near perfection. The tense experience that Outlast usually provides also comes packaged with Trials.

13 days ago

13 days ago

ghostyy094 reviewed Outlast II
Although it is not as good as the first entry, Outlast 2 still has its' moments where you can only feel the pressure from whatever is hunting you.
It does have some scarier, twisted sequences sprinkled throughout the game, but it is not enough to carry the overall confusing and messy story. It feels like the plot keeps itself vague, not allowing for the player to truly understand what they're surviving for.

13 days ago

13 days ago

ghostyy094 completed Outlast
Outlast remains as one of the pillars of horror gaming years later, despite the franchise's overall lack of success.
It is scary, tense and you never feel safe. In a game where you cannot fight back, Outlast uses the limited defense against you at every turn.

13 days ago

ghostyy094 completed Grand Theft Auto V
A staple of gaming, GTA V continues to show why it became one of the most sold pieces of media in history. Open world is fun, the story is engaging and the characters are remarkable.

13 days ago

ghostyy094 completed Deep Rock Galactic
Another staple of the Co-op genre, Deep Rock Galactic proves that the gameplay loop is essential for most games like these.
DRG does not take itself too seriously and so it ends up being one of those games where you can just spend hours of your time just having fun.

13 days ago

13 days ago

ghostyy094 reviewed Content Warning
Super fun idea and stupid fun with friends. However, it feels a little barebones, even with updates. Still an amazing pickup!

13 days ago

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