This becomes much less scary when you find out that the creator of the original creepypasta is a degenerate furry who threw a hissy fit over his story recieving criticism.

(he also groomed minors but that's a different can of worms)

Had the pleasure of playing this game back when it, you know, existed.
It was fine.

A great sequel, but weirdly, I still prefer the original game, with the amiibo costumes, the 100 Mario challenge and the genuinely better controls for creating levels.

If I had a nickel for every beloved video game franchise that had a cancelled game with the subtitle 'Extreme' I'd have MULTIPLE nickels!

Whoever thought it'd be a good idea to make the player draw with a god damn wiimote should be ashamed. My wrist still hurts.

er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er er

This is the Dark Souls of Sonic games, I swear to god. I can't get past the tutorial.

This game caused an ungodly amount of irreversible damage to zoomer humor and it will never recover.
We can never again have the luxury of being able to look at basic geometry that resembles the crewmate and not point out in our minds that it vaguely resembles AMOGUS.
Before AMOGUS, we were civilized. Now, we're savages.

i love to build brown bricks with mine crap i really lov to buiold brown bricks with mine crap you know what me favourie thing to do is? i love building BOWN BRICKS WITH MINE CRAP!! it the most fun thig yu can do while playing an appp

Some really awful rubber banding but overall pretty fun.
Also this game almost got me hit by a car at the age of 7 years old so there's that.

Oh Joshua, how much your back must hurt from how much you carried this DLC.

You are Dead, Dead Dead
You are Dead, Dead Dead
Thought you were hot, guess what you're not
You are Dead, Dead Dead
Brought your whole adventure to a screeching hault
You are Dead, Dead Dead
Your heart has stopped and your brain is cold, you are so so dead
And now your body is starting to mold, you are so so dead
This Dimension, cuts like a knife
You are Dead, Dead Dead
What a pitiful waste of a human life
You are Dead, Dead Dead
Your heart has stopped and your brain is cold, you are so so dead
And now your body is starting to mold, you are so so dead
Aww, such a sad sad story
You're gone empty head in the red, Game Over
You're Through, Gone
How does it feel to be dead? (You are dead~)
Bye Bye, You're history, You're Through! You're Dust
I hope you improve your lousy score
Adios, See you later, Bye Bye
Try Again!
You are Dead, Dead Dead.