Wrap it up, it's been a good run, but I think the franchise is dead.
This game was Popcap's last shot after so many bad decisions, and they blew it. Many of said decisions were influenced by EA of course, and it truly shows.
This just made me sad to play, all of the charm from the original two games is gone and there's hardly anything left of what made this franchise special originally. After the lacklustre sales of BFN, and now the disappointment of this game, I don't see a lively future for this franchise, and that's extremely upsetting.
You had a good run, PvZ, this is the end of the line.

One of the greatest games ever made, one of the funniest experiences you can play, and it WILL give you the hugest bursts of dopamine imaginable.
It's also completely unplayable right now! You CANNOT play TF2 easily without either playing the lottery with potential lobbies consisting entirely of bots, or play in community servers so sweaty that it sucks all of the wacky fun out of the game. It's an incredibly sad situation, and all I can really say is, fuck Valve for not doing anything to deal with this whilst still having the balls to release new lootboxes for the game multiple times a year. The fact the game has been left to rot in this state is inexcusable.

Streamed almost the entire game for charity (had to stop nearly 7 hours in due to my headset running out of battery).
That was definitely Desert Bus in VR, and I loved it.

This level is EVIL in the best way possible. Everyone needs to play it at least once.

It's a bit too bloated for its own good at points, but Crash 4 is the gold standard for reviving a dormant IP, taking the series to the modern age so gracefully that it's almost like it never left.
As for the grueling completion requirements, I honestly don't mind them, it's fun to slowly chip away at it, and it's incredibly rewarding getting all of the gems for each stage. That said, N. Verted levels did not need to exist, and are easily the worst part of the game, just being copy-pasted versions of the same levels, but mirrored and with a usually obnoxious filter effect placed over them. Everything else, though? A ton of fun, and easily the sharpest entry in the series.

A great sequel, but weirdly, I still prefer the original game, with the amiibo costumes, the 100 Mario challenge and the genuinely better controls for creating levels.

Cool for the time, I respect that they took fan levels and gave them an official release, but GOD this isn't fun.

Weirdly horribly optimized for a shovelware Garfield game made for PC.
Still a 10/10 however, because it's Garfield Kart babyyyyyy.

If I had a nickel for every beloved video game franchise that had a cancelled game with the subtitle 'Extreme' I'd have MULTIPLE nickels!

We're gonna release our new Pokemon-Go like game in December of 2019!
I sure do hope no huge, world-changing event happens in just a month from now which renders our game about going outside dead in the water :)

What they did with Psycho Mantis was really interesting, watched it on a YouTube stream packed with MGS fans, most of which hadn't seen this before and they were all surprised by it, that was a treat. It's genuinely just interesting seeing a different take on MGS1's story, I don't regret giving it a watch.
That said, even though the way they merged the good and bad ending together was really sweet, Liquid Snake's fight scene and death were the lamest thing imaginable, and they cut the car chase out, come on!