Elytras might as well have taken minecarts and thanos-snapped them out of existence, they instantly became so laughably outclassed the instant this update dropped that you'll only find them used for novelty nowadays.
Anyway, Elytra go wheeeeeeeeeeeeee-

No joking around, no funny business, this is the best thing to ever happen to Minecraft, jesus christ they outdid themselves and beyond with this update.

The only reason I know Dolphins aren't passive is because of PolarSaurusRex's let's play where he accidentally hits one and gets killed by it, I always assumed they were passive until that point.
Oh yeah and this update literally saved Minecraft.

It don't get any better than this.

Man, I sure loved it when Mojang saw that their game was being bogged down and losing relevancy due to their updates shrinking in scope and reason to get back into the game and so buckled down and started pumping out large, expansive updates overhauling major parts of the game to get people's interests again.
Can we go back to that, please?

This really was just the "Stuff we ran out of time to add to Caves and Cliffs" update. Really lame.

"So, what should we add this season?"

Definitely better than last season, in-which the only thing of note was that they nerfed MUD, but so far this doesn't have a ton to really keep me hooked, and the battle pass kinda blows.

Yep, that's definitely CS:GO ported to Source 2.

Not sure why the PS2 version got its own page considering it's literally the same game as the Wii version minus the motion controls, but hey.

This is a game I really wish we had gotten, even if it probably would've been a huge mess. The clashing art styles, the weird early rabbid designs and the strangely directionless feel it had in the reveal trailer and leaked prototype, it's all so bizarre.
I really like the final game we did get (mostly because of nostalgia), but I always do wonder what could've been.