This game is absolute hell and I adore it.
Also the OST doesn't need to go as hard as it does but god damn they went hard with it.

A super fun kart racer that's aged really well + Banjo is in it.

A super fun kart racer that's aged really well.

I wish there were a couple more bosses than what we got in the 4th isle, it ended a little sooner than I would've liked but that aside, this is a great DLC for an already amazing game. Ms. Chalice is really fun to play as and, truth be told, was the reason I was even able to beat the base game.

Why didn't they do something cute for playing as Amy in CD?
Why didn't they make it so that Sonic gets captured by Metal and she has to go save him?
That could've been cute and charming.
But no, they just did the absolute bare minimum.
Save your money.

I genuinely liked Sonic Origins and thought a lot of the hate was overblown, that they could iron out the issues and we could've had a genuinely great Sonic collection, but no, that was apparently too tall of an order. They couldn't even emulate 30 year-old Gamegear games right. What a joke.

It has Klonoa in it which automatically makes it cool.

I played and completed this game when I was 11 and, really I probably shouldn't have. Most of the really adult content went right over my head. I loved the game nonetheless.

Playing it again as an adult though, this game is still incredible and it's so crazy they went this hard for a South Park game.
Still my favorite Paper Mario.

People genuinely think this is better than the Wii version?
Did I miss something?
Did I play the same game as you guys?
The wisps aren't fun to use and break the flow, the bosses are some of the worst in the series and the level design is kinda ass. It doesn't devolve into becoming borderline unplayable like the first Rush game does in its final zones, but lord Astroid Coaster took a year from my lifespan.
This is definitely one of those games where people overhyped how good it is and it almost feels like most of said people didn't even play the game themselves. It's not a bad game, but I was expecting something much greater.
Rush Adventure is still MVP.

It's a little rough around the edges at points, but this mod really fixes everything wrong with PvZ2 and adds to it, creating a really great sequel to the first game. Wonderful work by the mod team.

Pacesetter is the most insane boss I've ever played in a video game, bar none. Insane work on the team's part.

That was the new Rachet & Clank game? That was just the Phineas and Ferb movie but with a lesbian in it!

This mod starts off incredibly slow, with the first hour practically being a walking simulator, but once it starts picking up, Raising The Bar gets really, really good and with more polishing up, some trimming of the fat I think this could be an amazing experience. Wishing the best to the mod team, this is insanely promising.

I rented this game from Blockbuster back when Blockbuster still existed.
I miss renting video games :pensive: