This game caused an ungodly amount of irreversible damage to zoomer humor and it will never recover.
We can never again have the luxury of being able to look at basic geometry that resembles the crewmate and not point out in our minds that it vaguely resembles AMOGUS.
Before AMOGUS, we were civilized. Now, we're savages.

I own 4 versions of this game and I don't plan on stopping.
I wanna make a coffee table out of them.

Sonic Riders but not as awesome :(

Competing the final boss of P5 ON Christmas Eve was an amazing coincidence.
This is the game of all time.

Oh Joshua, how much your back must hurt from how much you carried this DLC.

Had the pleasure of playing this game back when it, you know, existed.
It was fine.

Easily the definitive way to play Fallout 3, having all of the mechanics of New Vegas available and adapted for that game is perfect. Balanace-wise it's a little bit of a mess, but it's just so cool having these two games combined into one that I almost don't care.

Not a great mod, but I'd be lying if I said the music wasn't banger.

I used to know one of the main devs of this game.
He was a moderator in a My Little Pony Source Filmmaker Discord server. Dude was a complete piece of work, think about the Discord moderator stereotype and he was exactly it.
Then one day, this game was released on Steam and almost instantaneously he was ridiculed and laughed out of the server, it was glorious to watch unfold.
Anywho, the game itself I refuse to play, not out of principle or anything like that, but because the game is a whopping 40+ gigabytes in storage size (it used to be almost twice that much before being downsized in later updates). Granted that isn't a lot compared to most AAA games these days, but considering how small Source Engine games tend to be in file size for the most part, it's insane and I refuse to have such a game take up so much of my PC's storage.
You fucked up my face indeed.


Guys, check it out! JB Mod SWEEEEEEP!!

Day of Defeat but awesome.

Servers are dead as hell, sadly.