This review was written before the game released

A special case in-which a game's ending was so awful it had to be retconned from canon.

"You take a sip from your trusty Vault 13 canteen."

Loved Dog/God and Christine.
Fuck Dean though.
Dean is irredeemable.

I'm giving this one a 'boring' outta 10.

The story mode in this game is shockingly really fun and interesting from what I remember. Worth a play at least once.


I had the pleasure of playing this game for 10 hours straight during a livestream.
It was... an experience.

Rating this game on its own merits, rather than as a Dragon Quest game since it's the only instalment I've played (although I do plan on playing XI very soon).
This game SLAPS. While some people might not like it, I really enjoy how the story follows a very loose structure, going from town to town, meeting various people, seeing their stories and helping them out. It's a really nice comfort game and one of the first real JRPGs I ever played. It can be a bit grindy and it's a shame that a good portion of its multiplayer content is now inaccessible, but I still have a lot of fun regardless. Also this game's sound design, just perfect.

I'm too much of a smooth brain to have fun with this I'm sorry. Really impressive work on the developer's side, Source mods will never cease to amaze me but god damn it I can't think four-dimensionally.

Surprisingly a very good way to play MGS3 which plays way better than it has any right to. Really handy if you don't have easy access to the HD collection or a PS2.

why fire eblem me no like fire emblum me angry me smash!!!!!!!! >:* >:( GRREEERER ME HATE FIRE EMBLEM