Looks more like a tech demo than an actual game.

Perhaps the most well known game.

It has all the same issues of Ben 10: Protector of Earth without any of it's strengths. Levels are way too long. The best and only good alien is the chill guy with both Triangle-Square-Circle and Triangle-Square combos. Playing on hard difficulty is just painful. There are enemies every 5 meters and they have a lot of health. There is no equivalent of sumo cards in this game.

Beat em' up. kick and punch everything and anything that moves.


Boring races with bits and pieces of the story in between them.

Pretty different feel compared to the first two. I like the different weapons. By far the best is Aephestus whip, which deals a great amount of DPS, and stuns enemies in a large area. The large majority of hidden chests are on the end-game. Not that many hidden areas. Maybe one or two.

Controls are better than the first one. R1 and O for quick action make a lot more sense than R2. This becomes specially clearer with God of War III using the Dualshock 3.

Adventure platformer. Kinda open world, but not really. The minigames are always the same: cook something, run from or into something, fetch quests. Repetitive missions are annoying.

I still have good memories about the beginning of this game. The sliding sections are incredibly fun and quite difficult, by far the best parts of the game.

World building and ambience is on point.

No thank you. Just fetch quests around a world that is very confusing to navigate. This game really needs a giant arrow at the center pointing me where to go.

Becomes quite easy when you focus on getting Thera's Bane and Athena's Blade to max level.

Pretty good. I don't really get why they opted to use circle as the action button and why R1 combinations are used instead of the DPad for selecting magic.

Peak of the crash franchise. Too bad it got rushed.

Gameplay is really dated. Nice game.

Definitely not as awesome as I remember it.

Dialogue is not it's forte. Navigating in nowhere is disorienting due the teleporting teleporting nature of the map. Missed some more music, majority of the game is way too quiet. The beginning is way too slow and stale. Gameplay is good (or not) old PSX survival horror one.