Log Status






Time Played

7h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 22, 2024

Platforms Played


Hellblade 1: "Woah.. depiction of mental illness and psychosis... Gotta look at runes, fight 3 guys in 3 waves and fight Hela, doe it might be in me head..."
Hellblade 2: "No that wasn't in your head Miss Hellblade, Giants exist and are killing my people. Please kill them with the power of therapy-talk and also by killing 1 guy in 10 waves.... and also by looking at runes. "

Aside from them focusing more on a norse fantasy narrative, this is somehow the same fucking game but like less interactable and somehow I enjoyed it a bit more! Game's stunning, yes issa slop but that UE5-powered rocks and lighting sure be yummy sometimes. Never used Photomode anywhere and I get it now - Stopping anywhere as you please with the press of tha button and just roaming around and basking in the lighting and cinematic-setup. A genuine technical marvel, running at real time with barely any loads. But that tech ain't gone do much if you just use it to let me walk through rocks upon rocks upon rocks. Felt like I was inside that PS5 UE5 tech demo. A deathly obsession of Cinemaxxing to it's detriment, sacrificing combat depth by streamlining it for tha cinema! When the game manages to suspense disbelief, it's strong and weird and captivating, but it can only hold that spark for a glimpse before retreading tired old walks and paths of it's predecessor, but somehow even more train-tracked than before!
I cannot overstate how speechless I am that they somehow managed to reuse every mechanic/thing from the first game again.