Tunnel-vision: the game

While it is a bit of a prick sometimes, the game is one of the most visceral and unique-feeling games I've ever experienced. The visuals are one-of-a-kind, the gameplay is brutal - it's hard as fuck.

Visual clarity however is kind of dogshit: By the end, I turned my montior's brightness down a couple notches since I was bascially assualted by effects n' shit. The visuals are basically a contributor to the game's difficulty - you sometimes cannot parse some stuff and thus get punished for no reason.

However, I don't think this is a problem. The biggest problem I have with the game is the "Laser" mechanic. It feels forced, annoying and straight up lazy. In comparison to the other mechanics, it feels super disjointed in comparison.

All these issues aside, the game is insanely good and I recommend everyone to play it, especially til' the end.

Reviewed on May 01, 2021


3 years ago

> The visuals are basically a contributor to the game's difficulty - you sometimes cannot parse some stuff and thus get punished for no reason

I felt this a lot while playing the game. Sometimes I'd die because everything shaked or there's a bump that you have to dodge but can't see coming

Also, is the laser mechanic the one with the ring around the player? That's where I left the game, despite liking it a lot

3 years ago

@FranzMagitek yeah it's the ring around the player. It just feels too forced - it's just a means to artificially increase difficulty and stress. I can definitely see why some would just drop the game because of this, it's just not a fun mechanic.

3 years ago

It's what I thought when that shitty ring killed me every time!!!!!!!! I'd rather the game reward me with score for getting good at the game (i.e. not missing the beats). Every other mechanic felt like it added something new, while the ring is just "just don't miss lol". I can understand if the idea of not failing for a certain stretch of the level pumps someone's adrenaline, but for me it just fueled my frustrations