I understand the controls being the biggest issue with the game but there would be times where id constantly have my hands fall asleep on me whilst playing resulting in me having to pause to let my hand rest, lose all the momentum I had built up whilst playing then continue worse off than i were just playing with a hand that fell asleep.

There would be instances where i take damage anyway even though I preformed the correct option to avoid getting hit and get hit anyway.
This game is unnecessarily punishing at times like at chapter 24, and wont shy away from taking cheap shots at you thorough your playthrough. the only things I've gotten genuinely frustrated with is when I take massive damage or die because I have to fight the controls it makes you question why this wasn't saved for a different console.

Even though my criticism of the game is directed at the inherent flaw of the system the game was designed on this is my favorite 3ds game behind fire emblem awakening.

I absolutely love the witty chemistry between each character that has dialogue. That genuinely made appreciate almost each character. And wanted to play through the hand pain just to hear more dialogue from any character on screen.

i myself am not going to say anything about any direct character but I want you to experience that for yourself so you'll enjoy it as much as i did.

(next part is my personal attachment to this game, you dont have to read unless you want to)

I always wanted this game when I was 9 years old around the time it released and fell in love with the story telling, Character design. it looked very different from the games around that time and I was super obsessed with having the stand that came with the game in 2012.
I never did get the game until 10 years later in 2022 when i finally had the income from working to shill ($100) for the Complete in box version of the game with The stand. AR Cards and everything. I was super happy to finally be able to experience the game that I didn't get to for an entire decade at this point. I was already playing through Hella rpg's and just getting into competitive smash ultimate at this point in time i.e. Q2 2022 and never got around to playing this now until I was close to beating tears of the kingdom.
I Almost never write reviews for games that I play but this title meant so much to me that I can share my experience with others who may or may not feel the same way. tysm 4 reading.