I need to finish my replay + collect the trophies.

The World Ends With You blew my high school mind on the DS. Coming in blind to the game, with no Kingdom Hearts (or any JRPG) under my belt, I couldn't put it down. I loved the style and presentation, the story twists had me hooked, Tin Pin Slammer took over my bus rides to school.

So of course, NEO: twewy, a literal 14 years later, was incredibly nostalgic. It felt like reconnecting with old friends. The combat can get grindy (if you're not rotating your pin sets constantly), and I admittedly lost steam in my Day replays. Still, seeing old characters, meeting new characters, wishing I had the entire Gatto Nero brand in real life...Every moment gave me a rush of memories.

Not a useful review if you've never played TWEWY, oh well.

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2023
