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It took me 3 false starts before I finally sat down to play the entire game over a Thanksgiving holiday. First, a couple friends tried to show me the PS3 version, but I couldn't get used to the controls. Then I tried again on PS2, after starting my own collection. Again, only made it 6 or 7 Colossi in before giving up. The third time was when this remake first released, where I made it to about the same place, still feeling frustrated with the controls.

Finally. We agreed on playing Ico & Shadow over the long holiday weekend. I still felt that frustration over Wander's lack of coordination - but I pushed through. Eventually, I see the end for the first time. Then I can't put the game down. I accept Wander's stumbling and let the experience wash over me. Wander didn't enter the Forbidden Lands just to give up. I'm completing all the Time Attacks, I'm finishing the game on Hard. I felt sad for Mono & for Wander, being exploited by Dormin, for the Colossi that are just...existing. Existing to house fragments of a demon, their only other purpose to be killed.

I reach the Forbidden Temple Garden. Shadow has carved it's place in my heart.

For all of Wander's lack of ability, he is committed. I love the diegetic reasoning that he's just a teen, so of course he doesn't have the magnificent battle skill of a warrior. But he wants to bring his friend back to life and there's only one way he knows how. So it becomes a shared journey between the player and Wander, to persist, experience failure, and to have grace for our faults.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023
