It's a fast paced, snappy game that's punishing but also gives you more than enough leeway to overcome it. Combine that with wonderful art, a fantastic soundtrack and some great voice acting and enough variation in your boon and weapon choice run to run to make the repetition a non-issue for the most part and you have a great game.

The amount of reactive dialogue is paced excellently, I never found myself getting tired of any character and wanted to interact with pretty much all of them. Overall, the game really plays to the strengths of being a roguelike you play over and over again, both narratively and in terms of the gameplay in a more typical meta-progression fashion. These two things made it well worth it for me and it's a game I imagine I'll come back to for a run here and there to eventually unlock the true ending. Well worth it, if you like Supergiant games.

Reviewed on May 25, 2024
