Very close to being my favourite game in this series (tied with Crooked Man) I adored this from start to finish. I found the voice acting charming, the new and old characters delightful and the story is a blast.
Uri leans back more heavily into horror with this game but in a way I found much more fun and silly than The Crooked Man. The humour made me smile and the record puzzle sticks out in my mind as being extremely fun and unique.
The bad end is great, the true end being so hard to achieve made it a real challenge. Though if you are the kind of person who always wants to achieve good ends it is almost impossible without the help of a guide.
Uri truly outdoes themselves with this one and I can only recommend a praise this instalments of Strange Men

NSO has a great aesthetic and music! Ame/Angel both have very cute designs and it has a fun vibe!
Unfortunately, to really get into the story you have to go through multiple endings and it can get a bit tedious. However, I loved the addition of fan content and collecting the pieces of art! I found it super sweet and endearing.
All in all a game I enjoyed playing, I have multiple friends much more in the target audience who adore this game and I can understand why. Maybe one day I will go back to finish every ending but I won't be in a hurry to complete it.

I love this game. I LOVE this game.
Going and replaying this along with the three other games in the series was a brilliant experience, I cannot put into words how much fun I had with the entire Strange Men series but Crooked Man will always be a game close to my heart.
A brilliant story, good characters and an art style reminiscent of my teenage years will have me replaying this game and recommending it for the rest of my life.

A fun game, I think it received unfair reception as not being "as scary" as its predecessor when it is in all fairness an entirely different game.
It was nice to see the return of David who is such a fun character but Sophie is a sweet lead and I thoroughly enjoyed playing her story. I love the big and small references to other games, especially the Metal Gear style level.
Whilst not the best game in the Strange Men series it is still a good, fun play. I loved playing through this series and seeing the talent of Uri grow throughout.

Iron Lung was a nightmare to play but I loved it so, so much. The design and atmosphere were incredible. I loved how much is done with such a tiny setting.

A fun, terrifying little game with a good concept carried out wonderfully. I will definitely be recommending Iron Lung to others.

Misao was a charming, fun and sad as I remembered.
This newer version of the game added more deaths, which are always a fun and silly little addition that adds a lighter tone to what is otherwise a deeply upsetting game. I loved the nods to Aya and Alfred's clones (with Miss Library even acknowledging this if you try to name her Aya) and the picture of Aya's mother in her room. Very sweet little details that made me happy as a fan of Mad Father!
The story itself is engaging and makes this a good, short little game to play through. It's easy to feel lost in the school sometimes but for me this only added to the experience. The plot has some heavy themes including sexual assault which I knew beforehand as I played the original version but it might have been good to have a more specific trigger warning at the opening of the game for those going in blind but I also understand how to some people this may inhibit the story.
I loved playing this updated version of a game I used to adore and seeing the updated art and new additions to the story which kept it fresh as someone returning to Misao.

This review contains spoilers

After playing and loving Detention I knew that I was in for an incredible experience with Devotion but nothing could have fully prepared me for the journey I was about to endure.
This game shook me to my core and left me sobbing by the end. The story is beautifully crafted and gut-wrenching to go through. Every aspect of Detention is expanded perfectly, from the puzzles to the visuals to the sounds of the game.
Playing in first person along with the design of the apartment and rooms themselves creates an overwhelmingly claustrophobic feeling. This game made me feel as though I was living in an anxiety attack.
The cutscenes were visually wonderful and added a whole new layer to this piece of work, the representation and understanding of anxiety were perfect, especially the scene with the marbles.
I cannot begin to describe how visually gorgeous this game is. Every aspect and room are thought out and detailed, keeping you completely enveloped in the narrative. Three scenes that stuck out to me are the storybook, the flower room and the ending cutscene.
Devotion is the best game I have ever had the joy of playing and I am sure it will follow its predecessor in sticking with me long after today. Red Candle continue to prove they are making some of, if not THE, best games currently out there.
Thank you for sharing these stories, as a European I am far from educated on the horrors that took place in Taiwan and these games have opened my eyes and encouraged me to learn further and research myself. This is a period of time and a people who should not be forgotten.
I cannot wait to see what Red Candle does next and I can only say that everyone should play this incredible game, its sister, and all games Red Candle put out in the future


The game that made me want to make games. Getting to replay the game that meant so much to me as a teenager was so special.
I love the updated artwork, the additions to the game and story. As always, Ib is and was a joy to play.

I love this game! Playing an updated version was so much fun and reminded me of how much I loved this game when it was first released.
It was wonderful to revisit the Drevis Family and playthrough their story again. RPG maker horror has such a special place in my heart and part of that is thanks to this game