39 reviews liked by grhttt4138

50% of the time you will be walking
40% of the time you will be reading dialogue longer than the bible
10% of the time you will be dying

as much as I like the premise and aesthetics the gameplay is really just putting triangles in triangle shaped holes

hey do you remember that girl in your class that had a "best friend" that literally bullied and harassed her but for some reason they keep being friends?.
They made it into a game, and it sucks.

the godfather if the godfather didnt have a godfather in it and was just a mafia movie about two buds who love each other and kiss

I miss when mgr memes were actually funny and not made by 14 year olds who saw Le funny punching man on the for you page on reddit

Crazy how this came out two generations ago and action games still haven't figured out the importance of vocals kicking in during the final phase of a boss fight

It's an ok game that thinks it's cool when it really isn't, but I had fun going around shooting people for no reason. The pressure from enemies constantly kept me on my toes, forcing me to adapt to the environment and experiment with the weapons. Sucks that the game doesn't tell you how things work unless you look at the controls menu and memorize everything. I don't have much else to say except that it's funny how a game this stupid managed to offend people, with the Postal Dude's constant quips and comically edgy monologues between levels. (am I just desensitized?) It's not the best thing in the world, but it ain't that bad.

This game is the pinnacle of the sims. There is nothing better than this game. The Sims 4 WISHES that it was this game. But it's not. Maxis peaked here before the capitalistic overlord EA Games bought them out and the soul in this franchise was lost forever. They just don't do it like this anymore. Where's the charm. Where's the LOVE. Where's the PASSION??? It died with the Sims 2. That's where it went. Eat my entire ass EA.

The best life simulator ever released bar none. Filled to the brim with soul and character, with the faithfully crafted styles of the early 2000s, and soundtracked by one of the most recognisable musical scores in gaming. Maybe it's most defining feature is it's difficulty, one I'd expect more from a Souls-like, not a virtual doll game. Trying to balance a household with more than a handful of Sims is an exercise in patience and sacrifice (and an interactive parable of life), choosing between your lifelong dreams and being able to pay the bills.