An absolute delight for rhythm game fans. It can be a real challenge mastering the mechanics at first, especially since the tutorial doesn't mention some of the slightly more complicated tech.
That being said, this has one of the best soundtracks I have ever heard in a game, and learning to master a song to be able to get through a level without dying is incredibly satisfying.
All of this is packaged in a really nice little story that's surprisingly touching and just a real pleasure to experience.
However, the game isn't perfect by any means. There's some bullshit enemy placement here and there, and on occasion mechanics don't work as intended. First play throughs of certain levels can be pretty frustrating as a result.
All this being said, if you are a fan of rhythm games and have not played Mad Rat Dead, please do. It is one of the most underrated games I have played in recent years, in part due to really poor marketing in the west, and deserves much more recognition than it has gotten

Reviewed on Mar 16, 2022
