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Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

May 12

Fallout 4
Fallout 4

May 12

Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2

Dec 20

Marvel's Spider-Man 2
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

Nov 16

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime

Oct 14

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Finally stepped into the world of Fallout after watching the TV show. Was super immersed into the world. So many things to do. I wish I took more time exploring side quests, I didn't even meet many of my potential companions like Cait since I was so into the main quest line (and lowkey halfway into the game I was itching to play New Vegas), so I'll definitely come back to it, maybe even replay it to explore different pathways. I liked how the game forced you to make some tough decisions and contemplate what you value despite each faction not being perfect. I ultimately sided with the Brotherhood, since the Minutemen seemed very boring and their quests looked like it would just be "go fetch me more settlers," the Institute wanted to enslave the synths which I didn't agree with and they just seemed fishy to begin with. And also the Brotherhood is just way too badass. They got Liberty Prime. By the time we met the Railroad I had already made my allegiance to the Brotherhood. I had contemplated "family first," but no, my son went AWOL. And then he started saying he released me as an experiment and that's when I decided I didn't care for him anymore, lol. I loved how expansive settlement building was. It was a bit overwhelming for me so I didn't get too into it but I'm sure if I took the time to learn about it I would spend days crafting the craziest settlement. Now this was my first experience in the wasteland so I have nothing to compare it to, but I had an amazing time and I'm looking forward to my next adventure in New Vegas.

feels like the first truly next gen experience. from the beautiful visuals, insanely fast loading times (or lack thereof), i’m glad insomniac took full advantage of the PS5’s capabilities. this game was so, so fun and addicting. i always wanted to come home after work and get right back to playing. swinging through the city feels amazing and the addition of the wingsuit was such a great idea, i was mixed on it when i saw it in the gameplay reveal but i was so wrong. combat is more fun especially with the new abilities for peter and miles. the side content is a lot more streamlined and not as much of a grind which i appreciate, and there are some really good heartwarming side missions in here, insomniac seem to have put just a teeny bit more effort into them. i actually enjoyed doing the side content and took my time to do lots of it while completing the main story. i utilized photo mode soooo much since there were so many moments in the game where i was like man i gotta take a picture of this. i barely scratched the surface of photo mode but there’s so many tools to utilize for it, it’s impressive. the main story was fun. the first act was amazing, but the third act really did feel rushed. i wish miles had more to do i feel like he was sidelined for a lot of the story. and also god those MJ missions i hated doing them although they were better in this one than the last. also the last suit they give you for miles is so ugly and i tried using a cooler suit for the last mission only for insomniac to change it back and i hate them for that lol. overall i’m very happy with this game, probably one of the best experiences you can have on the PS5 right now. i had so much fun and definitely plan on getting to 100%.

super fun and creative co-op game, but also incredibly stressful, anger inducing, chaotic, frustrating. nothing compares to that satisfying feeling when you and your partner(s) are in sync in the kitchen. teamwork, cooperation, task delegation, and communication are especially essential to attaining success in this game. i wish there was more variety in the recipes of the base game because it felt just a tiny bit repetitive making the same stuff after a while but the level design always does something to keep you on your toes as you progress. lots of replayability, def want to go back and get 3-4 stars on every level and try out all the game modes. #2 on my “best couch co-op games” list, right behind “it takes two.” know what you are getting into; it’s like “the bear” but in video game form!